Leg aches can cause discomfort. Not surprisingly, people try various ways so that the aches that are felt can gradually disappear. These complaints are often experienced due to various things, ranging from activities, body position, to worn footwear.
Muscular stiffness after exercise or lifting heavy weights, can cause leg aches. Causes of sore feet also include sitting or standing for too long. This causes interference with the flow of blood vessels in the legs. Besides the lack of fluid intake and poor nutrition can also affect the leg muscles easily experience complaints such as aches and cramps.
Home Care
If you feel leg aches, there are actually a few simple ways you can do at home to help relieve the condition.Rest
Rest by lying down or straightening the legs. If possible, position your feet higher than the head. Lift or prop up with a pillow.
Stretching and massage
To relieve the aches of the feet you feel, you can stretch and gently massage the feet until the discomfort subsides.
Cold compress
Compressing achy feet for a few minutes can also ease the aches that are felt.
Take pain medications
Taking pain medications such as ibuprofen, paracetamol or aspirin can also be a way to help reduce the discomfort that is felt.
Use topical medication in areas of aching feet
The use of topical medications or topics, such as balm or pain relievers, can help overcome the problem of aching feet. The sensation of heat from the use of topical drugs is able to relieve pain that is felt.
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